
Quality Products

We strive to provide a wide selection of server rack products and accessories. just click on the icon below, select the products you would like in the cabinet, and which rack mount accessories you need. We will build, paint, and configure your premium server rack to your exact specification.


(a) Cable Management Panel – Size 1U & 2U

(b) 1U Blank Panel with Ring

(c) Blank Panel – Size 1U to 6U

(d) Vented Blank Panel – Size 1U & 2U

(e) 1U Blank Panel with 12 Holes

*Other size also available on request

19″ Fiber Box (Swing Type)

Whether it’s a small simple system or a large sophisticated system, it can be designed by Com-Rack. You can create the exact consoles you need, when you need it, and best of all it will be ergonomic, cost effective, and expandable. A full range of accessories provide a whole spectrum of options to complete your console.

Fiber Box

Various sizes and configurations are available for different needs.

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